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Heartbreaking last words of girl, 8, killed by brainwashed mum & her 'wicked' lover

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A girl who was tortured and starved to death by her mum and “wicked” lover wrote “I tried to be good” on a scrap of paper before her lifeless body was discovered.

Unlike her peers, Ayesha Ali, 8, spent her summer holidays locked indoors at a flat in East London while her mum Polly Chowdhury – "bewitched" by her neighbour and lover Kiki Muddar – came to believe Ayesha was evil. Muddar had created a twisted fantasy of self-serving alter egos, which she used to convince Chowdhury to kick her husband out and let her move in.

Once she settled into the family home in Chadwell Heath, East London, she began making Ayesha's life a "living hell". The youngster was subjected to a “life of cruelty and misery that defies belief” with both Muddar and Chowdhury torturing the girl in the middle of the night whilst wearing "vile masks" straight out of a horror film.

Ayesha was heard crying and screaming: “Amah (translating to Mum), I don’t want to be bad, Amah, Amah, I don’t want to be bad.” She was also forced to write up a list of things she had done wrong, which included “huffing and puffing”, “telling lies” and “being rude”.


The pair's heinous acts escalated when Muddar convinced Chowdhury that Ayesha, was tainted with "bad blood" and needed to be punished for it. The young girl suffered cold baths, beatings, biting, and was force-fed to the point of vomiting. Muddar fueled the cruelty with bone-chilling texts, telling Chowdhury: "You have no right to ever love or like your evil daughter."

In a horror phone call, she was also heard saying she was going to "f***ing kill" Ayesha, whom she labelled a "witch". Muddar's sickening vow came true on August 29, 2013, as Ayesha was discovered lifeless, with her body marked by 56 different injuries, carpet burns, and bruises.

Disturbingly, the little girl's light, three-stone body was also marked by a bite from her mother, after Chowdhury and Muddar became fixated with vampires. Once seen as the "perfect mother", Chowdhury's evil tendencies began to surface in 2007 after Muddar moved in next door. The pair succumbed to a make-believe world where Muddar, through the alter egos Skyman, a Muslim spirit, and Jimmy, a phantom lover, manipulated her with more than 40,000 messages.

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Convinced Muddar was channeling Jimmy, Chowdhury believed that sex with her would be like the hit Hollywood movie "Ghost". Muddar also manipulated Chowdhury into believing her husband was unfaithful, which saw him kicked out of their home. Once she moved in, the pair's twisted relationship revolved around a "sad-masochistic" fantasy.

Her alter-egos then wormed their way into Chowdhury's mind, convincing her that Ayesha needed to be disciplined for being "evil". One disturbing message from the make-belief "Skyman" said: "Your daughter can have the pain."

In the grim days before Ayesha's death, both Muddar and Chowdhury subjected her to brutal beatings. The night prior to her murder, Ayesha endured a savage attack with a shower head before being suffocated in a sick attempt to "ease her suffering". When Muddar eventually dialled 999, she claimed Chowdhury had attempted suicide and that Ayesha had died. Paramedics then discovered Ayesha's lifeless, abused body, and it was evident she had been dead for some time.

Both Muddar and Chowdhury pointed fingers at each other during their trial but were ultimately found guilty of manslaughter - not murder - receiving a combined sentence of 31 years in March 2015. Chowdhury later expressed her deluded belief that harming Ayesha would "stop the gates of hell from opening".

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