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Prince George and Princess Charlotte face being separated next year

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Prince George and Princess Charlotte may be forced to be separated next year due to a specific royal rule.

The young royals are often seen smiling and having fun together having formed a close bond as members of one of the world's most famous families. George and Charlotte attracted praise from people across the globe when they appeared together in family snaps or at the balcony of Buckingham Palace.

But a royal rule will see them having to be separated from one another. A separation rule will be brought into force when George turns 12 that means he will be subject to strict travel rules. The two heirs will not be allowed to travel together in order to protect the line of succession. It will mark a huge move for the young royals who are used to one another's company when they travel. It is also a rule that separated William from his brother Harry when they were young.

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Graham Laurie, King Charles' former pilot told A Right Royal Podcast, that the same rule was enforced when Prince William turned 12. He said: "We flew all four: the Prince, the Princess, Prince William and Prince Harry, up until Prince William was 12 years old.

After that, [William] had to have a separate aircraft and we could only fly all four together when they were young with the written permission of Her Majesty. "When William became 12, he would fly normally in a 125 from Northolt and we would fly the 146 out with the other three on."

An exception to the rule would only happen if both Wiliam and his wife Kate asked the King for permission to bypass it, Marie Claire reported. The Wales' have broken traditions in the past, including not employing a professional makeup artist for Kate on her big wedding day in 2011.

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