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Dishes From Leftover Roti: Make these 4 delicious dishes from the leftover roti

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People who live alone cook limited food, but people who live with family always make more rotis. No one likes to eat those cold rotis the next day, due to which they end up in the dustbin. If you also throw away the leftover rotis in the morning, then this news is for you.

In this article, we will tell you about 4 such dishes, which you can make from the leftover roti of the night. However, you will have to work hard to make these dishes. So let us tell you about these dishes.


At breakfast time, you can prepare and feed samosas from leftover rotis to your family members. If you want, air fry these samosas, so that the roti does not get filled with too much oil and it tastes delicious. Win the hearts of your family members by serving samosas prepared from roti with sour and sweet chutney.


There is hardly anyone who does not like to eat pizza. Pizza base is also like roti. In such a situation, you can take two rotis and use it as a base. Put cheese between the two rotis and stick it first and then prepare it like a normal pizza.


Children like to eat this type of wrap very much. You will get it in the market for 200 to 300 rupees. In such a situation, you can also prepare it at home with the leftover roti of the night. It tastes very delicious. Therefore, without delay, prepare a delicious wrap at home. You can fill your favorite vegetables in it.

If you have a lot of rotis left, then cut them like fine noodles. After cutting, cook it in the same way as you make noodles. Just keep in mind that while making noodles of roti, you cannot boil it. Due to boiling, the roti will get spoiled. In such a situation, just cut the roti finely and fry it with vegetables and spices.

(PC: Instagram)

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